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The Liberator is Liberty Counsel’s outlet for news, commentary, and inspiration from a biblical worldview. Our online publication focuses on relevant and breaking stories, hot-button culture issues, and legal and legislative news reports that shape the future of America.  

In an ever-changing national landscape, our writers and contributors are both qualified and equipped to help readers think clearly and biblically about the complex issues facing our world today. You’ll find that we put special emphasis on covering topics related to religious freedom, free speech, the sanctity of human life, and the family.   

We invite you to partner with Liberty Counsel as we stand as a firewall protecting faith and freedom in America’s courtrooms. To learn more about Liberty Counsel, visit us at LC.org.

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News and views from the front lines of restoring the culture by advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, and the family.


Defending the First Amendment. Advancing religious freedom. Protecting unborn life. Strengthening the family. Restoring the culture.