World Health Organization Vows to Advance Globalist Agenda Despite Setbacks at the World Health Assembly
by Mat Staver
While the 77th World Health Assembly (WHA) is in the books and we celebrate the fact that the oppressive Pandemic Treaty didn’t pass, the World Health Organization (WHO) remains committed to its freedom-crushing, globalist agenda. We must remain on high alert as new initiatives and ongoing developments emerge and threaten to encroach on our national sovereignty.
The fight against WHO’s advances on our national sovereignty is far from over.
WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus indicated he will not rest until he sees the Pandemic Treaty over the finish line, and said he remains “confident” the agreement will eventually happen because “where there is a will, there is a way.”
The WHO is set to hold a meeting in July on the treaty to resume negotiations in hopes of passing the Pandemic Agreement/Treaty by the end of this year or at least at next year’s WHA. While the Pandemic Treaty failed (for now, at least), the WHO managed to pass amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) by breaking their own rule requiring a four-month notice and forcing a premature vote at the last minute at the WHA.
Revising the IHR was essentially a backup plan to enact much of the Pandemic Treaty, should the full treaty fail. So, although the treaty failed, elements of it passed in the amendments to the IHR. Even though the language of many of the IHR amendments was watered down from the original text, the amendments still chip away at our rights and freedom as Americans.
The IHR amendments pose significant threats to our liberty by imposing the possibility of vaccine passports and implying that the WHO-required documentation can be mandated. Additionally, the newly minted amendments outline how each nation must also set up one or two national entities called the “National IHR Authority” to carry out the directives of the WHO.
The WHO also instructs nations to address “risk communication, including addressing misinformation and disinformation” in ways that are left unexplained related to public health events; this language often means an infringement on free speech.
The amendments detail how the WHO wants to control “relevant health products” and a long list of related manufactured items. The amendments also include the phrase “strengthen sustainable financing,” which places demands on our tax dollars, as well as an open-ended commitment for funds to the WHO and its activities.
The IHR amendments also instruct nations to increase surveillance to monitor the possibility of “public health emergencies of international concern.”
On top of this, the WHO Executive Board voted 17-13 by secret ballot to recognize an official partnership with the Center for Reproductive Rights, the radical pro-abortion group that represented Jackson Women’s Health Organization in the Dobbs case that overturned Roe v. Wade. The Center for Reproductive Rights considers abortion “health care” and advocates for the medical mutilation of minors through “transgender” procedures.
While this is yet another setback, there were some positive additions to the IHR compared to previous versions. For example, the IHR amendments that passed require a nation to first ask for, or accept, help before the WHO launches a political or medical effort within that nation. This is a significant improvement from measures that could have forced the WHO’s authority over a nation without consent.
Weakened language such as “subject to applicable law and available resources,” “as national laws allow,” “as appropriate,” and “upon their request" is also included in the IHR instead of more forceful, binding terms.
Other dangerous provisions, such as medical mandates, the ability for the WHO to impose laws on countries, digital vaccine passports, and digital IDs (a form of mass surveillance that would control access to society) were, thankfully, dodged this time, and we must keep pushing back to keep them out of the WHO’s official policy.
The WHO certainly gained ground at this year’s WHA, but the most outrageous demands were kept at bay. Considering the growing scope of the WHO, its alignment with pro-abortion groups, and the WHO’s plans to increase its power in our lives, Tedros’ disgust toward medical freedom further affirms our efforts to stop the WHO in its tracks.
For instance, Tedros said at the WHA that “anti-vaxxers” used COVID as an opportunity to cause “havoc,” saying “we need to strategize to really push back [against the anti-vaxxers].”
Such strategizing against “anti-vaxxers” is problematic, and it’s especially concerning (but not surprising) to hear these words from the mouth of the Director-General who leads the United Nations’ global health arm, which has significant governing influence in dictating international health policy.
What’s most striking about this statement is that “anti-vaxxers” (as those who refuse to take the mRNA COVID shot have been called) weren’t the ones using a pandemic as an “opportunity” to cause “havoc.” Instead, globalist bureaucrats like Tedros and organizations like the World Health Organization used a crisis like COVID as an “opportunity” to increase their tyrannical control and vilify those who didn’t fall in line with their demands. Never let a crisis go to waste, right?
Peddling fear and confusion, the WHO wasted no time in manipulating a global pandemic into a means of gaining power and exerting worldwide control. In response, we, along with a coalition of leaders dedicated to preserving liberty and autonomy, are pushing back to preserve national sovereignty and protect personal freedom.
Thankfully, Tedros was not fully successful in expanding control over international health policy at this year’s WHA, but the fight is certainly not over.
A globalist international body has no say in our health care decisions and no jurisdiction over our national sovereignty, and the best move would be for the U.S. to withdraw entirely from the World Health Organization.
As Tedros and the WHO charge forward to infringe on our liberties and pass the globalist “pandemic prevention, preparedness and response accord” without the consent of the U.S. Congress, the fight against the globalist agenda and to retain our national sovereignty has only just begun.