Not since the Civil War has America been so divided. The infiltration of destructive “woke” ideology into everyday American life seeks to distort, pervert and dismantle the very foundations of “one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.”
In Part Two of our conversation with Liberty Counsel Founder and Chairman Mat Staver, he discusses the growing political divide in America and how we can hold the line for freedom in an increasingly anti-Christian culture.
LC: It’s as if red states are getting “redder” and blue states “bluer,” and those two agendas are increasingly ideologically opposed. We need look no further than vax mandates and other restrictions to illustrate the stark contrast in pandemic response from state to state, let alone the overreach of the federal government upon the states. Are we headed toward more interstate clashes? Or is the real clash going to be over the federal government strong-arming red states into compliance with its big government agenda? Where do you see these clashes heading?
MAT: I think you're going to see more litigation by the states against the federal overreach. We have already seen that with some of the Biden administration's bombed COVID mandates and other kinds of restrictions. And you will see that repeatedly, with the states asserting their rights. Frankly, many of them are fed up with the federal government trying to take over their sovereignty. While I hope it doesn't come to this, unless there is some significant course correction, I think the country could easily fall into a civil conflict.
LC: Like a national divorce, but without geographic lines ...
Mat: Yes, the divide is becoming more severe. Politics is becoming starker. There is truly little “in between” anymore. Instead, there are these bright lines that have been developing, both in politics as well as within different states. For example, you can't get more different than California versus Florida, or Governor Newsom versus Governor DeSantis. Ron DeSantis is really pushing for freedom, and the other governor pushes everything that is antithetical to DeSantis’ freedom agenda. When we start to see a nation so divided like this, eventually, it can’t stand.
LC: What’s your answer for our national predicament of existential concern?
Mat: Spiritual revival is really the only way out of it, I think.
LC: Amen.
Mat: Also, however, there are times when, at least temporarily, national disasters or another shared crisis can bring us together. As a people, we see that in 9/11 and with the Ukrainian people where they weather a national disaster and the people come together. But these events are temporary national unifiers. People tend to go back to their regular ways again. As in the example of 9/11, many Americans have moved on and have forgotten about it.
LC: There’s a lot to ponder here ...
Mat: But, in all honesty, the only lasting change is a heart change, and that change really comes from spiritual revival.
Read Part 1 of the conversation, here.