Freedom Is at Stake: Why Christians Must Be Engaged in the 2024 Election
By Summer Ingram & Emily Wood Hawley
Every election feels like the most important in United States history, and this one is certainly no exception. With encroaching globalism, rising inflation, and an invasion at our southern border, it’s no secret that America is in the throes of crisis. It’s also not hard to see that evil ideologies are pervading our culture and influencing national public policy. The battle over the right to life rages on in the states, a radical LGBTQ agenda is being pushed by the White House, and our constitutional freedoms — including religious liberty and free speech — are under nonstop attack.
Now, more than ever, America needs Christians who will stand up to protect our freedoms and values. Too much is at stake to ignore the crises. All 435 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives, 34 seats in the U.S. Senate, 11 governorships, the White House, countless state and local seats, abortion ballot measures, and more are on ballots this November.
Roughly 25 million American Christians (about one in three) do not vote. It’s crucial that we improve this statistic this election cycle, understanding that we can change the tide of history when we engage in the electoral process, exercise our civic duty, and mobilize apathetic voters to do the same.
Christians are called to be the salt and light of the world (Matt. 5:13-16), but we can’t live up to this call if we isolate ourselves from the world and don’t become engaged in the issues plaguing society. As a Christian, voting for biblical values is a way to honor God and love your neighbor because of the impact leaders and policies have on our lives.
Proverbs 14:34 says, “Righteousness exalts a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people,” and Psalm 33:12 reiterates, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD.”
Standing Up for Our Founding Principles
As a nation whose motto is “In God We Trust,” it is imperative that we uphold the righteous laws and foundational values that make our nation great.
Our nation’s founding is inextricable from an acknowledgment of God, and while not every American adheres to the Christian faith, the laws, policies, and character of our nation reflect biblical principles.
Our Founders were concerned with establishing the framework for a government that honored both moral and natural law and the Creator by whom these laws were given. President John Adams said, “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” President George Washington similarly said in his farewell address that “of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports.”
The Fallacy of Separation of Church and State
The Founders rejected the idea of a state-endorsed church, such as the one they escaped in England, but they never intended for God to be erased from government. Contrary to popular belief, the phrase “separation of church and state” is found nowhere in America’s founding documents but was a term first used in a letter.
During the time President Thomas Jefferson penned these words, he had been attending a national church service regularly held in the U.S. Capitol and wrote a letter to assure the Danbury Baptists that the American government would not interfere with religion, coining the often-misinterpreted phrase “separation of church and state.”
Jefferson, a staunch advocate for religious freedom, did not intend for God to be expunged from government nor for the church to distance itself from political affairs, but rather that the government would not intrude or trample on one’s faith and freedom to worship.
Nothing prevents the church from being involved and influencing the halls of power, and it is a myth that Christians shouldn’t be involved in politics. Now that our nation’s Judeo-Christian principles and the truth that all are created equal are being sabotaged, Christians must vote and take up the mantle to defend our rights and freedoms.
The Founders integrated a system of checks and balances and conveyed power to “We the People” as a safeguard against tyranny. Citizens have the duty and privilege to participate in the civic process to elect officials who are empowered to make decisions that affect the laws and policies.
Fighting for Freedom’s Sake
When apathetic Christian citizens forfeit their role in this, the void will be filled by those bent on undermining our freedoms.
Righteous leaders and policies will prevail when Christians are involved and influencing government and culture. The time is now for Christians to be civically engaged to ensure the endurance of the American values and freedoms that make our nation great.
Freedom is a fragile thing that must be cherished and protected to ensure it’s not lost. Ronald Reagan said it best, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”